What a beautiful day in this some what of a WET State I live in...FINALLY above 80 degress and I took full advantage!
I walked and walked the booths and tried to find something to share...so here is is...A black cord necklace with tourquoise and clear glass beads on a green wrap metal cord. I loved it! It was handmade by Four Cedars Studio in Eatonville, WA
So next week on Thursday I will pick on lucky viewer! So make sure to leave a comment with your email address!!
Good Luck
So pretty! I spent the day wandering around enjoying the sunshine! Such a great day!
I spent the day home in bed...sick :( Next time you decide to go to something like that though, PM me and let me know and I would more than likely meet you there and walk with you. I love all the arts and crafts fairs and festivals we have here including Saturday Market.
Woohoo, sunshine! I got out to walk the dogs in between studying! I love arts fairs. I've only been to Saturday Market in Eugene and a couple others, but I would definitely spend hours just wandering around and admiring everything.
Wow the necklace is really pretty! My husband and I love going to art festivals since he is an avid collector of various types of artwork. Either art festivals or museums. They are both so much fun and relaxing.
Sandy sandybass26@yahoo.com
How pretty! Thanks for leaving me the heads up on your giveaway on my comments! I hope you try out the yummy fruit dip :)
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