Friday, May 20, 2011

10 Thoughts on Whole Living

10 Thoughts on Whole Living:

1) Rather than trying to fix your body, focus on how you want it to feel

2) The mark of true confidence is the ability to look someone in the eye!

3) Let the Seasons Guide your diet..the Earth grows what you need when you need it

4) Respect your feet. They have mastered the art of staying grounded while moving forward

5) Take charge of your own reflection. Stop letting the mirror win

6) Enlightenment doesn't always make a grand entrance. It slowly transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary

7) Change happens somehwere between the acceptance of now and the anticipation of whats to come

8) Dont obsess over weight loss, wellness is about making your life bigger, not smaller

9) Suprise yourself, push past your physical limits

10) Nothing connects you to who you are quite like the people who knew you when!

By Terri Trespicio

As I read and re-read this all morning out of my Whole Living magazine I realized these are some of the most powerful and true statements I can apply to my journey! Oh and #4 definately supports a pedicure this weekend!

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